Recolha Uniformizada e Nacional de Informação Relevante em Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos
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1st year 1st trimester

Elaboration of a draft version of the data collection form, for posterior discussion in a meeting with one representative from each PICU.
Acquisition or actualization of hardware and software.
Construction of an software application to allow online, through the Web, introduction of data collected. Application will be developed using PHP® technology and will have a modular conception to allow future incorporation of other data concerning the same population of patients. Validation of data will be done online when data are submitted to the database, which will be done using Oracle® technology.

2nd trimester

Elaboration of syntaxes to perform the automatic reports for each PICU and for the global population.

3rd trimester

Beginning of data collection in all admissions to PICUs (children aged 29 days to less than 16 years).

Elaboration of the Webpage of the project.
4th trimester

Recollection of data to perform inter-observer reliability evaluation and, if necessary, give additional formation to PICUs that failed to pass the reliability test.

2nd year   Data collection.
3rd year 4th trimester Monograph / Final Report.
Developed by: SBIM / CI